Tummy Time

Importance of tummy time for the healthy development of your child and their further success in later life.

Our WRAP babies enjoy their tummy time because we know that this is a very important part of their healthy physical development.

Laying on the tummy not only strengthens your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles but also adds to the fact that they might start crawling and sitting up earlier.

This obviously allows our little ones to be able to explore the world (toys) around them and hugely contributes to their learning and the ways they view the world.

Does your baby like to sit up or even tries to stand up when you hold them but is resistant to lay on their tummies?

It is a hard work for your baby to keep their head up, no wonder they don’t like it at first – it’s like going to the gym for us adults.

How about starting off with lying your child on your chest....

You can then prop the rolled blanket under their arms and chest when they lay on the floor this will provide additional support and make it easier for them to lift their body up and explore the toys around them.

How about putting a mirror in front of your baby?

Babies love looking at their own reflections, therefore this is great motivation to look up and it also has the benefit of providing endless entertainment.

Give it a go and remember that even a short periods of tummy time add up when done regularly.

Let’s set a goal for the month ahead and encourage our little ones to work on their muscles! Little and often is the key and this will pay off quickly.

Not only will it help while learning to crawl but also when attending school, which is all about looking at the teacher and making notes – both of which demand strong neck muscles!

Good luck and let us know how you and your little ones progress!

 - Marzena Monit, WRAP Early Years Manager

If you would like to find our more about the WRAP nursery email us at: nursery@wrap.space


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